Heather Muise The Ides of March Etching and aquatint on copper 20 x 27 in [button text='BACK TO ARTIST' link='/heather-muise/' target='_self'] [button size='' style='' text='INQUIRE'...
Heather Muise Hurricane Maria Etching and aquatint on copper 16 x 20 in [button text='BACK TO ARTIST' link='/heather-muise/' target='_self'] [button size='' style='' text='INQUIRE' icon='' icon_color=''...
Heather Muise The Tears of Sleeping Birds Etching and aquatint on copper 16 x 20 in [button text='BACK TO ARTIST' link='/heather-muise/' target='_self'] [button size='' style=''...