Althea Murphy-Price has been recognized for her broad approach to printed media through the use of photography, 3D printing and printmaking methods. Her variable practice often involves decoration, embellishment and the representation of familiar objects. Her works have been exhibited widely throughout the country and internationally in countries such as Spain, China, Japan, Italy and Sweden. She is included in public collections such as the Knoxville Museum of Art, the Huntsville Museum of Art, the Brandywine Print Achieves,Fairfield University Art Museum, the Bush Art Center, Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art, and Gregory Allicar Museum of Art. Her work has been featured in such publications as Art Papers Magazine, Art in Print Magazine, Printmaking Today (UK), CAA Reviews Journal, Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials and Process, and Printmakers Today. Murphy-Price is currently a Professor at the University of Tennessee where she has taught printing since 2010. She received her BA in Fine Art from Spelman College, her MA in Printmaking and Painting from Purdue University and her MFA from the Tyler School of Art, Temple University.